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November 6, 2006

Animation Recommendation

By Cinema

Fast Film stillFound online:

An extraordin­ary piece of anim­a­tion, screened at Cannes in 2003 but now avail­able on DVD from the film­maker. And at stut­tery old YouTube. Hat-tip to CartoonBrew.

The visu­als were achieved by print­ing out thou­sands of film frames (over 65,000 to be exact) and fold­ing them into three-dimensional shapes. The paper-objects were then pho­to­graphed and com­pos­ited in After Effects. I can’t even ima­gine the effort it took to mash-up hun­dreds of live-action films, often times with three to four films in each scene, and make it all work in a nar­rat­ive con­text. It’s an incred­ible cre­at­ive achievement.

I’ve just sent away for a copy.