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Rancho Notorious

Rancho Notorious is a fort­nightly pod­cast from RNZ about movies and oth­er cool stuff. Produced by Dan Slevin and co-hosted by Kailey Carruthers, the show fea­tures loc­al and inter­na­tion­al guests, news, reviews, giveaways and competitions.

Our listen­ers are com­mit­ted and opin­ion­ated film fans — the kind of people who like to talk back to the hosts and share what they know.

RN 1/10: A 30.48 metre journey to be precise

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

Liam Maguren from joins Dan and Kailey to review the cross-cultural korma that is The Hundred-Foot Journey (star­ring Helen Mirren and Om Puri) and the explos­ive nostalgia-fest of Sylvester Stallone’s The Expendables 3.

Listen for a chance to win Glenn Kenny’s book Robert De Niro: Anatomy of an Actor (Glenn was inter­viewed in last week’s epis­ode).

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RN 1/9: Anatomy of a Rock

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

Dan and Kailey are joined by Mark Roulston to talk about his web­site Cinema Aotearoa and to review Dwayne Johnson in Hercules. Dan inter­views Glenn Kenny about his new book, De Niro: Anatomy of an Actor.

Also fea­tur­ing – to Dan’s chag­rin – the return of the Two Word Review.

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RN 1/8: 21 Gunn Salute

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

Carter Nixon joins us to review the latest mar­vel from Marvel – Guardians of the Galaxy – and cos­tume design­er Kate Hawley (The Lovely Bones, The Hobbit, Pacific Rim, Edge of Tomorrow) is in the stu­dio to talk about design­ing for Guillermo Del Toro and Tom Cruise. All that plus the usu­al mix of news, box office stats and gos­sip from Dan and Kailey.

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RN 1/7: Cliff-top

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious

Fairfax group film review­er Graeme Tuckett joins Dan and Kailey for a Dark Horse spe­cial – we review one of the best Kiwi films of all time and Dan inter­views the stars, Cliff Curtis and James Rolleston. Also, new film with music Begin Again star­ring Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo.

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