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eva radich

Feeling upbeat

By Audio, Cinema, Radio

I just got in from a blustery jour­ney to Radio New Zealand to appear on (what we used to call) the Concert Programme to talk about this year’s Film Festival. Concert FM has an excel­lent daily magazine show called Upbeat, hos­ted by Eva Radich, and I sus­pect this is the first time that Merle Haggard has been played on that earn­est station.

[audio:–1242-dan_slevin-048.mp3|titles=Dan Slevin reviews films show­ing at this year’s NZ International Film Festival. (14?13?)]

For radio nerds like me this was a very enjoy­able vis­it. The Concert FM booth is just like the old ZM one I worked at in the late 80s, very manu­al, faders and CD play­ers, etc. The Nine to Noon booth at Radio New Zealand National is for voice only and Kathryn Ryan has an oper­at­or in anoth­er room push­ing all the play­back but­tons. I want the Concert stu­dio in my own home. Swoon.