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georgia rule

Review: The Simpsons Movie, The Banquet, Angel and Georgia Rule

By Cinema, Reviews

The Simpsons Movie teaser posterIt’s an awfully long time since I have watched a com­plete epis­ode of The Simpsons so I was­n’t 100% con­fid­ent that I would be happy sit­ting through an exten­ded ver­sion of the legendary hyper­act­ive car­toon. I need­n’t have wor­ried. The Simpsons Movie is one of the most purely enter­tain­ing movies of the year, with all the stops pulled out by an army of tal­en­ted writers and anim­at­ors determ­ined that the grand leg­acy be con­firmed on the big screen.

And they have done it by not mess­ing with the for­mula. The film is essen­tially an 85 minute epis­ode of the series with the only visu­al con­ces­sions being an abund­ance of detail for the obsess­ives and an enriched col­our palette. Plus, the exten­ded dur­a­tion gives the writers a chance to take some time to really give the film some heart.

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