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jesse thorn

Boy, oh boy. No updates for a while

By Cinema, Wellington

I’ve been ser­i­ously busy since Christmas put­ting togeth­er a show for the Wellington Fringe (which has gone along very nicely, thank you for ask­ing). It’s called “The Immortals” and you can find out all about it here. There are only three more per­form­ances and after that I’ll be retir­ing from act­or­ing so if you are inter­ested in see­ing me per­form this week­end is your last chance.

I’ve man­age to file about four reviews for the Capital Times but haven’t had a chance to annot­ate, illus­trate and linky them up for you good people, an omis­sion which grieves me but that I can­not rem­edy until later in February (or maybe even March).

In the mean­time, one of my favour­ite film­makers appeared on my favour­ite pod­cast the oth­er day. Here’s the video ver­sion of Taika Waititi’s appear­ance on The Sound of Young America with Jesse Thorn, recor­ded live from a crowded hotel room in Park City, Utah, dur­ing Sundance.
