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john gruber

“Not our art, but our brush.”

By Asides

A lovely med­it­a­tion on per­man­ence and imper­man­ance from, of all places, Gizmodo:

She’s made a ghost bike for him, painted a thick-pipe com­muter bike white with spray paint. Going to leave it on the corner, chained to a lamp post. She posts a time on David’s Myspace page, lets her friends know when to gather.

Word spreads. She’s push­ing the bike down the street, sur­roun­ded by hun­dreds of mourn­ers. They saw her mes­sage on his Myspace page. They walk by the bike, toss­ing down flowers and pho­to­graphs and mes­sages to David. She did­n’t expect this.

Joel Johnson writes too well for gad­get blogs. (via Daring Fireball)