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Robert Crockett

Cinematica: Aloha Cinematica

By Audio, Cinema, Cinematica

In today’s epis­ode: The New Zealand MPDA announced their box office fig­ures for 2011 – an 11% drop on 2010. We talk to the President of the MPDA Disney’s Robert Crockett about why that might be and what we can expect in 2012. Four reviews in the show today – I vis­it a Mysterious Island, Kailey checks out a very Kiwi sequel – Sione’s 2 – Unfinished Business. Simon is in remake ter­rit­ory – the long-awaited US ver­sion of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo plus we got to Hawai’I with George Clooney and is dys­func­tion­al fam­ily in The Descendants.