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“... a fine British tradition of plucky, have-a-go heroes.”

By Asides, Cinema

It’s award sea­son every­where but I have to con­fess some admir­a­tion for the Irina Palm d’Or:

For crit­ics, such films have now become a fact of life, the lumpen low-budget yang to the sprightly, ingeni­ous yin of, say, Nick Whitfield’s Skeletons and Gareth Edwards’s forth­com­ing Monsters. Barber con­fesses to a cer­tain admir­a­tion for the prizewin­ners thus far: “We’ve all heard how dif­fi­cult it is to get a film made in Britain, so when you see one that seems like a ter­rible idea on every level, you do have a weird kind of respect for who­ever got it up there on the screen. Irina-makers belong to a fine British tra­di­tion of plucky, have-a-go heroes.”

[From The Irina Palm d’Or: And the loser is … | Film |]

For what it’s worth I did­n’t seem to mind Irina Palm.