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tony pratt

RN 2/1.2: Saving Sgt. Pitt

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

The second half of this week’s show (fea­tur­ing a spe­cial guest appear­ance from one of our exec pro­du­cers Tony Pratt). Show Me Shorts film fest­iv­al dir­ect­or Gina Dellabarca is inter­viewed and Tony and Dan review Brad Pitt in David Ayer’s Fury.

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RN 2/1.1: Soul Boys and Dead Lands

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

Special guest host (and exec pro­du­cer) Tony Pratt joins us for an epic start to Season Two, so big that it has to be split into two parts. Part One fea­tures inter­views with Spandau Ballet’s Martin Kemp, The Dead Lands dir­ect­or Toa Fraser and a review of the com­edy This is Where I Leave You star­ring Justin Bateman and Tina Fey.

Show Notes are com­ing after we post Part Two on Monday. Sorry…