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“a girl in a convertible is worth five in the phone book.”

By Asides, Business, Current Events

In these days when cap­it­al­ism seems like the cause of all our prob­lems rather than the solu­tion to them, it is more than edu­ca­tion­al to read the latest let­ter to Berkshire Hathaway share­hold­ers from Warren Buffett, an old school cap­it­al­ist who believes that money should be made by adding value – for cus­tom­ers, share­hold­ers, staff and soci­ety at large.

As always, Buffett’s let­ter is full of quot­able por­tions but I was par­tic­u­larly taken by this seg­ment on the Berkshire Hathaway rail­road BNSF:

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By Asides, Business

As the oper­at­or and prin­cip­al of a newly-birthed freel­ance busi­ness, I’ve been think­ing a lot about entre­pren­eur­ship and this quote from book­seller and author Tim Waterstone helps:

You know, as an entre­pren­eur, and I hate call­ing myself an entre­pren­eur” – here our digres­sion begins – “you don’t do it for the money at all, really you don’t; you’re doing it because you get caught up in an idea and you want that idea to work.” The ulti­mate achieve­ment, accord­ing to Waterstone, is to see your vis­ion real­ised, often against the odds: almost all entre­pren­eurs, he thinks, are fight­ing against received wisdom.

Waterstone was inter­viewed in The Guardian.