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Cinematica was the pod­cast pre­de­cessor of Rancho Notorious, exec­ut­ive pro­duced by Simon Werry, pro­duced by Dan Slevin and hos­ted by Simon, Dan and Kailey Carruthers.

It ran from 2011 to 2014 and, even though the ori­gin­al feed has dis­ap­peared, all the epis­odes are archived here.

The ori­gin­al copy­right is held by Simon’s Guns of Steel.

Introducing Cinematica (part one)

By Audio, Cinema, Cinematica

Things have been mighty busy around here although it might not be evid­ent in these pages. After elev­en years in the same Newtown flat I finally moved last week. To Newtown. So, a gen­tle­man of Newtown I remain.

Cinematica logo

Freelance work has picked up after a hor­ror start to the year and some of the pro­jects are prov­ing to be pretty excit­ing. One of those pro­jects is now ready to launch: Cinematica, a weekly movie review pod­cast that I pro­duce, edit and co-present with Simon Werry and Kailey Carruthers (from the Lighthouse Cinema chain).

We’ve recor­ded three epis­odes and they are all avail­able now on iTunes and via the snazzy new web­site, (made by Ocular in Lyall Bay).

We record the show weekly (Tuesday even­ings) and review every NZ new release as well as inter­view spe­cial guests. Over time, with sup­port from loc­al dis­trib­ut­ors, we hope to offer com­pet­i­tions, prizes, giveaways, etc. and maybe even pro­mote our own spe­cial screenings.

It’s early days, of course, and we need an audi­ence and their feed­back to take the show to the next level. We’d really appre­ci­ate it if you could give us an audi­tion, bet­ter still sub­scribe to us via the iTunes Store and then rate and review the show. That’s how we get bet­ter pos­i­tion­ing in the store and how we grow the audi­ence even more.

In a couple of weeks we will even start stream­ing the show live from Petone so listen­ers can con­trib­ute as it happens.

So. Exciting.

I’m par­tic­u­larly pleased with Episode 001 which fea­tures an inter­view with Tusi Tamasese, the writer/director of The Orator: