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Modern movie posters are (mostly) bollocks

By Cinema, Design

I use movie posters here to illus­trate my reviews, not for aes­thet­ic reas­ons for the most part, but to use as mark­ers (so read­ers can eas­ily find their way to the film they want to read about) and memory jog­gers (so read­ers can con­nect my rant­ing with the images they have seen in the media and at their loc­al flicks).

Most posters don’t add aes­thet­ic value because they are (mostly) bol­locks – con­trac­tu­ally oblig­ated lay­outs with crappy photoshopping.

I wish we lived in a world where movies were pro­moted with design like this:

Victim movie poster

Dirk Bogarde in Victim (pro­duced and dir­ec­ted by Basil Dearden)

There are three more examples of posters from Dearden films at the Criterion Collection blog here. All wonderful.