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Baraka Blu-ray

By Cinema, Gadgets

I bought a second hand Blu-ray play­er the oth­er day on TradeMe. Now I know why:

Ron Fricks 1992 masterpiece Baraka. Every home should have one.

Ron Frick’s 1992 mas­ter­piece Baraka. Every home should have one.

UPDATE: Evidently this is a Region 1 release only at the moment and the Blu-ray region cod­ing  has yet to be broken. NZ is Region 2.

Blog recommendation: BoingBoingGadgets

By Gadgets

I can now safely ditch both Engadget and Gizmodo from my feeds. BoingBoing has added a tech blog writ­ten by Joel Johnson who, help­fully, can actu­ally write:

In the strange fairy land of high-end retail, products like the Beo 5 remote con­trol are allowed to flour­ish, des­pite glar­ing deform­it­ies like an awk­ward screen perched on a spindly neck, like a lolling Hapsburg prince too rich to be quietly sequestered but too ugly to be seen.

Meanwhile, I am suc­cess­fully wean­ing myself off my own gad­get desires until the pre­vail­ing per­son­al eco­nom­ic situ­ation improves but I will dream of one of these for a while:

Pioneer VSX-94TXH