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Welcome to Widescreen!

By Cinema, meta, Video

After a few weeks of devel­op­ment, test­ing, angst and aggro, I can finally announce the new pro­ject I’ve been cook­ing up at Radio New Zealand. Here’s a short trail­er video explain­ing what it’s all about.


As an added bonus, if you can name all the films and TV shows fea­tured in the above clip, email the list to and go into the draw to win a DVD prize pack fea­tur­ing half a dozen of those included.

You can also con­tact us with sug­ges­tions and com­ments at the same address, or you can give us 140 char­ac­ter feed­back at @WidescreenRNZ on Twitter.

Here’s the page at the RNZ site.

Rancho Notorious is included in the RNZ deal but still avail­able here (of course). I’ll be post­ing all my oth­er Widescreen con­tent here too because, why not?


By Cinema, Video

On Tuesday night I was priv­ileged to host a new ini­ti­at­ive from the Light House Cinema chain – a brief sur­vey of a dir­ect­or’s career pri­or to a spe­cial pre­view of their latest film. In this case, the dir­ect­or was Danny Boyle and his new film, Trance, will be reviewed here on Monday. I had a jolly good time re-watching the films and sourcing clips and even man­aged to pro­duce this little mont­age video by way of intro­duc­tion. (Warning: the audio is the open­ing mono­logue from Trainspotting and so is almost cer­tainly NSFW.)



It’s not the first time that I have fooled around with iMovie this way. Last year I was asked by Downstage Theatre to pro­duce a short video intro­du­cing Sam Neill before his fun­draiser Q&A, An Innocent Abroad.



They are very enjoy­able, these little pro­jects, even though I have to re-learn iMovie every time I do them. Perhaps, if I don’t get one of the two dream jobs I want here in New Zealand I could be put to work on those In Memoriam videos they play at the Oscars every year.

Trailer spotlight

By Cinema, Video

Checking out the latest updates at Apple’s online trail­er repos­it­ory, slog­ging through the mostly for­get­table con­tent, I came across this and got very excited indeed:


If this does­n’t show up in this year’s Film Festival someone should take their license away.

But the (poten­tial) riches did­n’t end there. What kind of year is it that has new films by Malick and Monte Hellman?
