It's now Saturday morning in NYC and Telluride already seems like old news. Venice has just announced its prizewinners (The Master obv. - or not so obv.) and Toronto is…
Firstly, I should add a vital - totally Telluride - detail to yesterday's post. By choosing to watch Rust & Bone and the Marion Cotillard Tribute I missed the first…
We review Maggie Gyllenhaal and Hugh Dancy in Hysteria and German WWII period piece movie Wunderkinder. Plus Dan reports on his first Telluride Film Festival, four days of movies in…
Saturday dawned early and I was grateful that the first screening of the morning was at the Chuck Jones' in Mountain Village, barely a fifteen minute shuttle from my accommodation.…
Wes Anderson may be the currently working director least suited to using 3D. His scenes are often flat tableaux with his characters spread out laterally across the screen. If he…