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james rolleston

RN 1/7: Cliff-top

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious

Fairfax group film review­er Graeme Tuckett joins Dan and Kailey for a Dark Horse spe­cial – we review one of the best Kiwi films of all time and Dan inter­views the stars, Cliff Curtis and James Rolleston. Also, new film with music Begin Again star­ring Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo.

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Review: Boy, The Boys Are Back, How to Train Your Dragon & The Men Who Stare at Goats

By Cinema, Reviews

Taika Waititi’s Boy may well be the sad­dest com­edy I’ve ever seen. Hmn, maybe I should put that anoth­er way: For a com­edy, Boy might be the sad­dest film I’ve ever seen.

Consistently hil­ari­ous through­out, Boy steers a very care­ful course once it becomes clear that there is a very real heartache behind the laughter. A less con­fid­ent film­maker wouldn’t have even tried to per­form that con­jur­ing trick but Waititi turns out to have the tal­ent to pull it off.

It’s 1984 and in the tiny East Cape vil­lage of Waihau Bay 11-year-old Boy (born as Alamein, after his fath­er) has been left in charge of the whanau while his Nana goes to Wellington for a tangi. His little broth­er Rocky (Te Aho Aho Eketone-Whitu) and his young cous­ins are look­ing to him for some par­ent­ing but the unex­pec­ted arrival of Alamein (Taika Waititi) sends all those plans packing.

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Boy, oh boy. No updates for a while

By Cinema, Wellington

I’ve been ser­i­ously busy since Christmas put­ting togeth­er a show for the Wellington Fringe (which has gone along very nicely, thank you for ask­ing). It’s called “The Immortals” and you can find out all about it here. There are only three more per­form­ances and after that I’ll be retir­ing from act­or­ing so if you are inter­ested in see­ing me per­form this week­end is your last chance.

I’ve man­age to file about four reviews for the Capital Times but haven’t had a chance to annot­ate, illus­trate and linky them up for you good people, an omis­sion which grieves me but that I can­not rem­edy until later in February (or maybe even March).

In the mean­time, one of my favour­ite film­makers appeared on my favour­ite pod­cast the oth­er day. Here’s the video ver­sion of Taika Waititi’s appear­ance on The Sound of Young America with Jesse Thorn, recor­ded live from a crowded hotel room in Park City, Utah, dur­ing Sundance.
