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lee isaac chung

Looking forward to 2010 NZFF #1

By Cinema

Illness has forced me to miss the final week of this year’s Film Festival, which is some­what dis­ap­point­ing but has­n’t stopped me from think­ing about next year. My wish list for 2010 thus starts here with this clip­ping from a review of Lee Isaac Chung’s Munyurongabo:

The dream of the light­weight cam­era is to be able to go any­where and cap­ture any image. Of all the dreams films and film pro­duc­tion have provided us with, it’s the one we’ve fol­lowed through the least. The trans­ition from the Arriflex to 16mm to Super‑8 to VHS to the MiniDV cam­cord­er and then to HD is for the most part the story of the film­maker trav­el­ing inward. The logic seems to go that, if you have a cam­era that could fit into a piece of carry-on lug­gage, why would you ever leave the house?

[via The Auteur’s Notebook; Munyurongabo is also cham­pioned by Ebert here]