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RN 1/18: Backlash

By Audio, Cinema, Rancho Notorious, Reviews

Dan and Kailey are joined by Doug Dillaman from Lumiere Reader to dis­cuss two new music-themed films: jazz drum drama Whiplash and the Mick Jagger-produced bio­graphy of James Brown, Get On Up. Dan also talks to Aaron Yap from NZ’s Fatso DVD-by-mail ser­vice about the state of home video and hi-definition in this country.

Listen as Doug acci­dent­ally X‑rates a per­fectly inno­cent biopic!

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Review: The Red House, 21 & Over, Liberal Arts and Broken City

By Cinema, Reviews

The Red House posterAlyx Duncan’s The Red House is a lovely example of how ideas that evolve, adjust, trans­form over time can pro­duce work that is just as coher­ent and com­plete as if it arrived fully formed. Originally con­ceived sev­er­al years ago as a doc­u­ment­ary about her age­ing par­ents who were think­ing about leav­ing the house she grew up in and start­ing again over­seas, her film is now a poet­ic and impres­sion­ist­ic – as well as fic­tion­al – med­it­a­tion on place and belonging.

In the fin­ished film – unlike real life – Lee (Lee Stuart) fol­lows Jia (Meng Jia Stuart), his wife of 20 years, to Beijing where she has trav­elled to care for her own frail par­ents. He packs up the few belong­ings he is able to take with him from the years of assembled memen­tos, books and treas­ures, burn­ing much of what is left over. Voiceover from both char­ac­ters lets the audi­ence know how dif­fi­cult this trans­ition is, as well as telling the back­story of an unlikely – and lovely – relationship.

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