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Bands of brothers

By History, TV

I’m finally watch­ing the Spielberg/Hanks mini-series “Band of Brothers” in the beau­ti­ful new blu-ray edi­tion. It’s stun­ning tele­vi­sion and I can­’t wait for the expec­ted sequel (of sorts): “The Pacific”, due out next year.

Coming across this blog entry at If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger, it occurs to me that a sim­il­ar drama from the Soviet side would be equally grip­ping viewing.

1943, Europe --- Soviet Soldiers Charge to the Front --- Image by © Dmitri Baltermants/The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/Corbis

1943, Europe — Soviet Soldiers Charge to the Front — Image by © Dmitri Baltermants/The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/Corbis