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Amis answers Independent readers questions about the world

By January 24, 2007No Comments

Thanks to someone, prob­ably Public Address, I was poin­ted at this, emin­ently quot­able, art­icle from a recent Independent where Martin Amis answers read­ers ques­tions. One may not agree with anything/everything he says but one has to respect someone who uses words like “fric­tion­lessly” and “gyn­o­crat”:

Whats the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? NESA GARDEZI, by email

One day I returned home from a book tour in the US, and I noticed that the lead­ing edge of the toi­let roll in the bath­room was­n’t fol­ded into an invit­ing V – as it was in all those American hotels.

Not only that. I then had a tedi­ous five minutes issu­ing instruc­tions about the new arrange­ment to my wife.