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By May 1, 2008One Comment

Holy Hell! I just got back from tak­ing my Ma and Niece to Horton Hears a Who! at Readings and got stung for $42.60 (includ­ing one small pop­corn). For a Thursday morn­ing matinée!

It just goes to show how out of touch I am (my usu­al vora­cious movie-going is 100% sub­sid­ised by dis­trib­ut­ors and cinemas) but “Ouch”. How do nor­mal civil­ians cope?

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not com­plain­ing – I know first-hand what the costs are in run­ning a cinema. I’m just sur­prised. And broke.

One Comment

  • I had exactly the same (ish) exper­i­ence at the same movie at the same cinema on the same day … except I took my son and not your Ma and Niece. “Bloody hell” acci­dent­ally forced it’s way out of my lips when I paid for the tick­ets – cheap-as DVD’s (or illeg­al down­loads) are def­in­itely the way to go.

    And then Jack refused to eat the $9.50 curry I bought for him after the show (great film BTW) … even though he INSISTED on it!

    I ate it.
    And my one.