I really don’t get Twitter. I know I probably should but really I don’t.
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It took me a long time to get it as well – I’ve been on it for almost two years, and for almost half that time I didn’t use it much at all.
But as more people I knew came on board it started making more and more sense. It’s great for connecting, both with people you know, and people you should know (those just around the corner of your social network). Often it is banal; but it can be funny and illuminating too.
And now I wouldn’t be without it.
[quote comment=“”]And now I wouldn’t be without it.[/quote]
I think I wanted a vehicle for those non-sequiturs that occur to you while you are out and about – and then almost immediately I lost the ability to tweet via SMS and never replaced it.
I don’t spend enough of my day at the keyboard, or at least I try not to.
I’ll see if there’s a Twitter app for my non-iPhone…
I find it fascinating, and do follow some twitterings of others. Does that make me a twit-voyeur?