We’re at that time of year when the big studios role out blockbuster after blockbuster so that Americans looking to escape the stifling heat will choose to find comfort in…
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Someone described melodrama to me the other day as “unearned emotion” and that’s a helpful way to look at a few of this week’s offerings. Firstly the glossy adaptation of…
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I was expecting to come out of Operation 8 fired up but instead I emerged depressed and dispirited. I knew that New Zealand’s default political setting was benign complacency but…
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Checking out the latest updates at Apple's online trailer repository, slogging through the mostly forgettable content, I came across this and got very excited indeed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN_aejkbh9c If this doesn't show…
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There are two mainstream comic book publishing houses, DC and Marvel, and choosing between them as a kid was a bit like choosing between The Beatles and the Stones. They…
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The city of Christchurch has appeared in feature films infrequently. Philip Matthews uses those appearances as a way in to understanding the current - earthquake-devastated - state of the place:…
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