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Tone’s “50 blu-rays you must own” - UPDATED

By Cinema, Home Theatre

Tone Magazine - September coverOf Tone Magazine’s 50 “must own” blu-rays 13 are not actu­ally avail­able in New Zealand leg­ally, or won’t play on NZ pur­chased play­ers due to region cod­ing. Which is a bit of a waste of time, don’t you think? They also man­age to spell Criterion incor­rectly right the way through art­icle which adds insult to injury.

After the jump, the list (the art­icle itself is not online):

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Baraka Blu-ray

By Cinema, Gadgets

I bought a second hand Blu-ray play­er the oth­er day on TradeMe. Now I know why:

Ron Fricks 1992 masterpiece Baraka. Every home should have one.

Ron Frick’s 1992 mas­ter­piece Baraka. Every home should have one.

UPDATE: Evidently this is a Region 1 release only at the moment and the Blu-ray region cod­ing  has yet to be broken. NZ is Region 2.

A Tipping Point

By Asides, Cinema

Dave Kehr reviews the new Godfather Trilogy Blu-ray res­tor­a­tion (a res­tor­a­tion in con­sulta­tion with ori­gin­al cine­ma­to­graph­er Gordon Willis) for The New York Times:

The effect is not unlike that of a pristine 35-millimeter print pro­jec­ted in per­fect focus — a rare enough phe­nomen­on in a movie theat­er and, until quite recently, incon­ceiv­able in the liv­ing room.

This is a Holy Grail moment. With Criterion about to start releas­ing on Blu-ray before the end of the year, I going to have to make the leap. Curses.