Kailey and Dan do their best to review Christopher Nolan's Interstellar but other, more interesting, films keep on getting in the way. Plus, James Cameron live via Skype at the Embassy Theatre Q&A…
Local audiences can pretend they are Academy voters for the next few weeks because almost all the big nominees are being released at the same time. It’s the NZ way…
In which Simon stays on holiday, Kailey stays in Canada and Dan makes some ham-fisted attempts at a #twowordreview. Films: PTA’s The Master and QT’s Django Unchained.
Your Sister’s Sister is a lovely little film for a big screen, an intimate three-hander featuring shifting relationships, secrets revealed and a warmth and generosity towards its characters that continues…
Welcome to the 2010 “cut out and keep” guide to video renting (or downloading or however you consume your home entertainment these days). I suggest you clip this article, fold…
Is it too early to suggest that we might be living in a golden age of cinema? Think of the filmmakers working in the commercial realm these days who have…