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Yup, this is what all the fuss has been about. The logo has been beau­ti­fully art dir­ec­ted by Alice Brash and designed by Lisa Moes. Now it’s up to us.

In which we iron out a few of the kinks and get an idea about what this thing actu­ally might resemble.

This week, Dan and Kailey are joined by TVNZ’s Darren Bevan to review Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow, The Fault in Our Stars (star­ring Shailene Woodley) and NZ indie Fantail are reviewed and Sam McCosh reports from Australia on the Sydney Film Festival.

Thanks to all our pledgers — we give you all a shoutout in the show, espe­cially our exec­ut­ive producers.

Show Notes

You can listen to the ori­gin­al Cinematica inter­view with Curtis Vowell and Sophie Henderson from Fantail, here.

One Comment

  • Brenda Carruthers says:

    Two thumbs up for Dan & Kailey! Love the new show and so great to hear the
    news, reviews and humor­ous banter again. Yes, yes, yes to bring­ing back the ‘two word review’! Congratulations on the pilot and look­ing for­ward to show #2.