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Nine to Noon – back from the summer break

By January 30, 2014February 3rd, 20142 Comments


  • Steve Parkes says:

    Hmm, not sure I get how Lawrence can be great in the role if she’s also mis­cast. Did you per­haps mean that she was wasted in the part?

    Agree with you about Nebraska, which I liked even more than Wolf of Wall Street. While I agree WoWS was some­what crit­ic­al of Belfert’s beha­viour, although I thought it some­what under­mined by the chummy cameo of Belfort at the end. It was an enter­tain­ing film though.

    • Dan says:

      Hi Steve

      Re: Lawrence, I think she was extremely enter­tain­ing and cre­ated a vivid char­ac­ter but she was palp­ably too young for the role and – des­pite her many gifts – I found it hard to believe in her.