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Writing is a deep-sea dive

By Asides, Literature

Dave Eggers in The Guardian:

Writing is a deep-sea dive. You need hours just to get into it: down, down, down. If you’re called back to the sur­face every couple of minutes by an email, you can­’t ever get back down. I have a great friend who became a Twitterer and he says he has­n’t writ­ten any­thing for a year.”

This is a great inter­view. Eggers is a real hero of mine.

Update update

By Asides, meta

In an effort to get the back­log pos­ted I won’t be lov­ingly hand-crafting inter­est­ing links through­out the next few sets of reviews. They will be illus­trated and tagged, but frankly that’s all I have time for at the moment. That is all.


By Asides

Tom at Ornery World notices some­thing awry in the world of Avatar:

Not only are the sub­titles not in a sens­ible, unob­trus­ive font so you can read them and get back to the movie, they are in The Teenage Witch’s Choice of fonts, Papyrus!

Murdoch’s flagship paper steals from blogger

By Asides

And not just any blog­ger. Hot Fuzz dir­ect­or Edgar Wright’s mov­ing memori­al to Edward Woodward was lif­ted without so much as a by-your-leave by The Times for it’s obit­u­ary page:

They just lif­ted it from my blog without asking?…?I’m not talk­ing about quotes. Am talk­ing about the entire art­icle. But with edits they made that make me look ill informed and unfeeling.

And if Rupert Murdoch had his way, Edgar would have had to pay to find out he’d been robbed. [HT to @edgarwright on Twitter]