Guest host Liam Maguren sits in for Kailey and tells us about the goings on at and plus he and Dan review David Fincher's Gone Girl, which opens this weekend all…
Kailey is on holiday and Simon is sick so Dan is joined by Sarah Watt from the Sunday Star-Times to discuss Naomi Watts in Diana, Danny Trejo as Machete in…
Denzel Washington goes from train driving to plane flying in Flight, Movie 43 may not be a movie at all and we interview Tearepa Kahi, the director of the smash…
Kiwi crowd-pleasers don’t come much more crowd-pleasing than Tearepa Kahi’s Mt. Zion, featuring TV talent quester Stan Walker in a star-making performance as a working class kid with a dream.…
Two of the big three Academy Award contenders this year are about looking back on the early days of cinema itself. While Scorsese’s Hugo uses the latest technical whizzbangs to…