Back in 1968 the world was amazed to see a simian-looking creature displaying rudimentary (and yet clearly) human qualities. But enough about my birth, I’m here to talk about Planet…
Taika Waititi’s Boy may well be the saddest comedy I’ve ever seen. Hmn, maybe I should put that another way: For a comedy, Boy might be the saddest film I’ve…
Moon looks like one of the coolest films of the year. Written and directed by David Bowie's son Zowie (now known as Duncan Jones), starring the effortlessly interesting Sam Rockwell…
Never having seen an episode of Sex and the City on television, I'll have to leave it to others to place it in context. From what I can gather, though,…
About a third of the way through Elizabeth The Golden Age, handsome pirate Walter Raleigh arrives at Court bringing his Queen gifts from the New World: potatoes in a box…