My friend Simon calls Twilight “Twiglet” but that’s pretty much the maximum amount of amusement that I’ve managed to derive from a franchise that I have never managed to appreciate.…
After an intense weekend running from picture theatre to picture theatre between - and sometimes during - rain showers, I have now caught up on everything in current local release.…
Grown-up comedies Your Sister’s Sister, The Watch and Hit and Run, family comedy Finding Nemo in 3D, Twiglet Kristen Stewart in On the Road and Dan reports on the cinephile…
There are now four films in the Twilight “saga” which means I’ve spent 493 minutes in the Twilight universe, at least 492 of them wishing I was somewhere else. The…
For those readers tuned into these things, clear evidence emerged this week of the ‘end of days’ and our impending annihilation - culturally at least. Simply put, Twilight: Eclipse is…