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Review: A Serious Man, Adam, What Just Happened, Flame & Citron and The Twilight Saga: New Moon

By Cinema, Reviews

A Serious Man posterWe’re born alone and we die alone and in between noth­ing goes accord­ing to plan and the people around us are mostly unre­li­able and occa­sion­ally malevol­ent. Meanwhile, God either doesn’t exist or is indif­fer­ent to our suf­fer­ing. Either way, A Serious Man, the new film by the prodi­giously gif­ted Coen Brothers, is a very ser­i­ous film. It is also a very funny one.

In a mid-west University town in the late 60s, Physics Professor Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) has a happy fam­ily, a great career and a beau­ti­ful house in a nice neigh­bour­hood. Actually, he has none of those things. His wife (Sari Lennick) has fallen for smooth-talking Sy Ableman (Fred Melamed) and needs a Get (a form­al Jewish divorce), his daugh­ter wants a nose job, his son is pre­par­ing for his bar mitzvah by smoking dope and listen­ing to rock music and his unsuc­cess­ful broth­er (the great Richard Kind) is sleep­ing on the couch and drain­ing his cyst in the bath­room. At the same time, the ten­ure com­mit­tee at the University is receiv­ing anonym­ous com­plaints and his white-bread, red-neck neigh­bours are mow­ing their lawns in a par­tic­u­larly threat­en­ing way.

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2008: A Star Trek Odyssey

By Cinema, TV

In anti­cip­a­tion of the release at Christmas this year of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek XI (back to before the begin­ning with a new cast includ­ing Karl Urban and Simon Pegg) and because I really don’t have enough to do (ahem, that would include Downstage, Capital Times, Latin American Film Festival, Wellingtonista, 48HRS, Newtown Athletic and the com­mence­ment of a Post Graduate Diploma in Business and Administration at Massey) I hereby embark on my long­stand­ing plan to watch all the Star Trek epis­odes and movies in chro­no­lo­gic­al order.

And when I say chro­no­lo­gic­al order I mean in story order which, accord­ing to this Wikipedia entry, starts with “Enterprise” set in 2151 and ends with Nemesis in 2379. Ever the icon­o­clast, how­ever, I intend to start tonight with First Contact which, des­pite fea­tur­ing the TNG crew of Picard, Data, etc. con­tains Zefram Cochrane’s first warp flight, thus lead­ing to all the oth­er stor­ies. Then to Season One of “Enterprise” and onward, hope­fully arriv­ing at the end before I have to review Star Trek XI this time next year.

I won’t be review­ing every entry because, frankly, who cares?

Wish me luck. Live long and prosper.

Or should I say: Resistance is futile.