Dan and Kailey are joined by Steve Austin on the line from Auckland to talk about "Straight to Video", his blog reviewing the increasing number of films that don't get a…
Marion Cotillard plays a killer whale trainer in Rust and Bone, Bill Murray plays FDR in Hyde Park on Hudson and Gael Garcia Bernal plays an adman in No. Chris Hormann…
It’s no disgrace to come second at Cannes to Michael Haneke’s Amour, especially so when your film is Rust and Bone. Writer-director Jacques Audiard has a track record of unsettling…
Firstly, I should add a vital - totally Telluride - detail to yesterday's post. By choosing to watch Rust & Bone and the Marion Cotillard Tribute I missed the first…
Saturday dawned early and I was grateful that the first screening of the morning was at the Chuck Jones' in Mountain Village, barely a fifteen minute shuttle from my accommodation.…
I don’t know what the French did to be so roundly insulted at the movies this week but I’d advise them to steer clear of Wellington cinemas for a while…