To really understand a country you have to go and live there - embed yourself with the people, soak up the culture. If you don’t have the time or inclination…
It’s the fifth anniversary of my first column for this paper - my, how time flies. Five years of searching - usually in vain - for some transcendence among the…
I was expecting to come out of Operation 8 fired up but instead I emerged depressed and dispirited. I knew that New Zealand’s default political setting was benign complacency but…
There are two mainstream comic book publishing houses, DC and Marvel, and choosing between them as a kid was a bit like choosing between The Beatles and the Stones. They…
Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire was my film of the year for 2009 - a potent and punchy roller-coaster ride of a film that made everything for months afterwards seem quaintly…
Following up on the 2009 surprise hit The Wrestler, Darren Aronofsky has offered us another film about people who destroy themselves for our entertainment - this time in the rarefied…