Here are last week’s highlights from my output at RNZ – on the web and on the air. Five reasons to watch Watchmen 2019’s wonder year for television ended with…
Anther snapshot of Western culture this week in cinemas - if the aliens who monitor us are still watching I’m sure this will result in our urgent and violent annihilation…
Australia (Evidently, modern Australia was built on racism, bigotry, corruption and alcohol). Not the debacle that some media would have you believe, Straya is an old-fashioned epic that looks right…
The fortunes of the Western rise with the tide of American cinema. During the 70’s indie renaissance we got rugged classics like The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid and The Long…
Baltimore in the 60s must have been quite a place as it has inspired films like Barry Levinson's Diner and Tin Men as well as the entire John Waters canon,…