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Adventures in Film Criticism

By August 30, 2007No Comments

I was mus­ing at the top of the Downstage stairs yes­ter­day even­ing that a Wellington Film Critics Circle (for no reas­on oth­er than to say we have one) might be an idea – we could hand out awards at the end of the year and say they point to Oscars like the New York crit­ics do (or we could all get togeth­er once a year for a piss-up).

Anyway, later on I read this link below and went off the idea pretty much straight away.

My favour­ite line: “If the vari­ous ele­ments had been more fully orches­trated, the grat­ing psy­cho­lo­gic­al reas­on­ing would have been even more redundant.”
