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According to The Hollywood Reporter, 20th Century Fox have pushed back the pro­posed release date for James Cameron’s Avatar from Memorial Day 2009 (which is June 22) to December 18 2009. That’s a six month delay. Fox are giv­ing avail­ab­il­ity of 3D screens and extra time for Weta to do a bang-up job on the techy stuff as the reas­on for the delay.

But the fact that the live-action shoot in Wellington is prov­ing to be a chal­lenge with 18 hour days being the norm plus Cameron’s his­tory of going over sched­ule and over budget on Titanic – it won’t have any­thing to do with that at all. I have one staff mem­ber who was booked for three days work as a fea­tured extra and that call has turned into 15 days, and may still go longer.

Black Magic has more on the Avatar shoot includ­ing some behind-the-scenes material.