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Ebert on ... writing

By December 15, 2008No Comments

Roger Ebert writ­ing about writ­ing (and speak­ing) at his blog:

The nov­el [McCarthy’s Suttree] is writ­ten entirely with that atten­tion. You haven’t even star­ted it until you’ve star­ted it the second time. After weeks of depres­sion, hope­less­ness and regret, real­iz­ing the oper­a­tion had failed and I would prob­ably not speak again, after murky med­ic­a­tions and no interest in movies, tele­vi­sion, books or even the morn­ing paper, it was the bleak, sad Suttree that star­ted me to life again. Spare me happy books that will cheer me up. I was fight­ing it out with Suttree. I did­n’t want a condo in Florida. I wanted a fuck­ing bas­ket of coal.

Is it me or is Ebert writ­ing bet­ter than ever?

Update: Posted before I’d read all the com­ments. Read those too.