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Decade in Review

By December 30, 2009No Comments

Not by me.

Christ, I’m too busy with being on hol­i­day and pre­par­ing for my forth­com­ing return to the Wellington stage to think about sum­ming up a dec­ade in cinema (par­tic­u­larly as I was­n’t watch­ing much film for the first half of it).

Luckily, Ant Timpson has done the work for me. Check out his two lists (Best of the Decade and Best Horror Films of the Decade) and keep them in mind when you are next at the video shop.

Meanwhile, you can listen to myself and Auckland’s Dominic Corry talk to Arts on Sunday’s Lynn Freeman about the 2009 year at the movies (which was broad­cast about ten days ago) and wait a day or two for me to post my Capital Times picks of the year right here.


Movie Panel – Dan Slevin and Dominic Corry