Ben Lewin’s The Sessions is a very rare beast - an American film that portrays human sexuality with honesty, sensitivity and no hint of prurience. (Actually, writer-director Lewin is a…
Near the end of 1979, the new hardline rulers of Iran - incensed by the US government’s support for the previous despot - stormed the embassy in Teheran and held…
Andrew Dominik was born in Wellington but shipped out at the age of two for Australia. We really need to claim him back as he’s one of the most intriguing…
After an intense weekend running from picture theatre to picture theatre between - and sometimes during - rain showers, I have now caught up on everything in current local release.…
Can I have a quick word with you about forgiveness? Not for me, you understand - I’ve nothing to apologise for - but the forgiveness we show to films we…
The main problem I have reviewing Rian Johnson’s Looper is that the most interesting discussion about the film can only be had with others who have seen it. The film…