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Upgrade breaks things (as usual) UPDATED

By meta

Note to self: NEVER upgrade any­thing last thing at night!

Just upgraded WordPress to 2.3.2 and vari­ous things have broken includ­ing typo­graph­ic­al quotes like ’ and ” some of the side­bar func­tion­al­ity. Like the Now Showing in Wellington list of reviews.

For this I apologise.

It is too late in the even­ing to try fix­ing it now – and my Capital Times review is due first thing tomorrow.

Normal ser­vice will be resumed as soon as possible.

Update: Good news and bad news. The good news is that the latest ver­sion of K2 has it’s own code for three column lay­out and oth­er improve­ments which explains why my pre­vi­ous theme hadn’t been updated in so long. So, hello K2RC4. The bad news is that the typo­graph­ic­al prob­lems have been intro­duced by the upgrade and aren’t related to the theme. This means I have to go through, post by post, and cor­rect every instance. This might take a while but my trusty OCD will not leave any apo­strophe uncurled.

Everything else is back as it should be and I can re-post last night’s two items that I thought had broken everything.

Unbelievable frustration - semi self-inflicted

By meta and The Net

“What did you do with your Waitangi long week­end, Uncle Daniel?”

Well, nieces and neph­ews, I spent most of my week­end sit­ting in front of the com­puter because Old Grandpa Davies from Auckland wanted a shop for his web site and (me being me) I thought that would be a good oppor­tun­ity to fix a few issues that had been bug­ging me with the site since it went live last year.

Of course, the res­ult was that I intro­duced a few more issues while tak­ing care of the old ones, and fool­ishly did­n’t start test­ing in Internet Explorer 6 until after the design work was fin­ished. Imagine how I felt at 4 o’c­lock this morn­ing when I found that some­thing was dread­fully badly broken in IE only. About 75% of our cus­tom­ers, maybe more, use IE so this would be a bad thing.

I decided to sleep on it for a couple of hours and have a fresh crack at it this morn­ing. A long time later, and sev­er­al abor­ted attempts at a solu­tion fur­ther on, I finally work out that mov­ing the import­ant piece of javas­cript from the head­er to the bot­tom of the body will fix it. Yup, in IE this par­tic­u­lar piece of javas­cript has to load last and every oth­er browser on the plan­et deals with it. Man, this sh*t drives me batsh*t insane! And the entire world eco­nomy is going to be run­ning on this gaf­fer taped rub­bish by the end of the decade.

I’ve got quite a bit of, er, fin­ess­ing to do but the guts of it is done now so I’ll put my feet up for a bit and watch a DVD and then catch up on last night’s lost sleep. Big crick­et day tomor­row, as well fin­ish­ing the Academy shop to the cli­ent’s satisfaction.

Also man­aged to miss my Capital Times dead­line (bum­mer) so there’ll be a bump­er review in next week. and I’m being dive-bombed by moths – what’s that about?

Jiggy-jig with the design

By meta

I’m fool­ing around with the site theme at the moment so the look and feel of the thing might change drastic­ally between visits.

Just so you know, it’s me and not some­thing else.

New and Improved

By Cinema and meta

I’ve just got the gig as Film Reviewer for Wellington’s Capital Times and will post full ver­sions of of all the pub­lished reviews here, start­ing tomor­row. My word lim­it there is slender so I’ll also post on films watched in ser­vice of Capital Times read­ers but not pub­lished. I’ll also be adding col­our to the prin­ted ver­sions by com­ment­ing on screen­ing con­di­tions, cof­fee and oth­er items only semi-related to the film itself.

The first review appears in the paper itself tomor­row and will be pos­ted here first thing in the morning.

Hopefully, this will res­ult in this little endeav­our get­ting more atten­tion (from me and an audi­ence) than it has man­aged so far!