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A post that has two purposes

By meta

Crikey. The last post was sent up here on the 9th of April. I’m sure most read­ers have long giv­en up on see­ing any­thing new here but I haven’t.

Here’s a post that does two things:

  • reminds the Internet that I’m still here
  • allows me to test (once again) MarsEdit as a pos­sible replace­ment for ven­er­able but nev­er updated old ecto

So, the typ­ing seems to be going alright. Let’s try and stick an image in there and see what happens.


Keep it classy, Paramount Wellington

Here’s a pic­ture of the new poster dis­play boards out­side the Paramount in Wellington. While it’s nice to see them mak­ing an effort to tidy the place up a bit, it would have been even nicer if they had painted over the tag­ging on the wall before they did the work.

Now to push play on this post and see how it looks.

Update update

By Asides and meta

In an effort to get the back­log pos­ted I won’t be lov­ingly hand-crafting inter­est­ing links through­out the next few sets of reviews. They will be illus­trated and tagged, but frankly that’s all I have time for at the moment. That is all.


By meta

Two weeks of blog carnage later, here’s the sit-rep:

  • Funerals & Snakes is limp­ing along at
  • Most of the images are intact but they don’t appear con­sist­ently and don’t appear at all on search pages
  • the permalinks are bus­ted – any old links here from places like res­ult in 404 errors
  • I’m now about six weeks behind on post­ing reviews (which were about 90% of what was pos­ted here in any case)
  • At its height this blog was get­ting a frankly aston­ish­ing 30 vis­it­ors a day. I’d say that’s down to about zero now.

It’s time to “shit or get off the can” as the say­ing goes. It’s not worth my time try­ing to keep this site up to date if I’m only going to be half-hearted about it. And if I want this to be some­thing I can be proud of, I have to put some effort in.

So the next two weeks are going to see a re-thinking and re-energising of the site, re-sulting in a re-design. Pretty much all the old stuff will break in order to be re-made. Hopefully, good old bits of writ­ing will be re-discovered and use­ful fea­tures re-instated.

If you are a re-gular re-ader, make some sug­ges­tions in the com­ments. The biggest change will be the address. This site will become so that I can do some­thing cor­por­ate to

It may turn out to be a bumpy ride but I think it will be worth it.

No updates for a while

By meta

I’ve just star­ted the pro­cess of migrat­ing the blog (and the oth­er sites I run) to a new host. For that reas­on I’m going to keep updates to a min­im­um (i.e. even less than usu­al) and backup the site so I can bring the thing up on the new host tomorrow.

UPDATE: Obviously this is a lot more com­plic­ated than I first thought. The images and uploads are still down­load­ing from the old site and need to be re-uploaded tonight. The plu­gins and wid­gets, etc all need to be updated and the blogroll re-populated. Guess what I’m doing this week­end! Still, if you are read­ing this the DNS changes have worked and that’s something.

ANOTHER UPDATE (5 September, 4.18pm): Still strug­gling to get the old images seen by the new site (per­mis­sions prob­lem) and I’ve also man­aged to com­pletely munt the email address in the pro­cess of chan­ging hosts. If you need to e‑mail me you can use dip.slovak<at> in the meantime.

LATEST UPDATE (11 September, 11.22am): Images are fixed, head­er is fixed. Sidebars will have to wait until the week­end. Internet only just restored at home/office after a three day out­age where I could­n’t work on any­thing. It nev­er rains but it pours, eh?


By meta

Once again I stop by simply to apo­lo­gise for the lack of updates and for the reviews arriv­ing so late as to be all but use­less to a Wellington cinema-goer. What can I say? Life’s been a bitch. But things are look­ing up. Today I fin­ished read­ing “Sag Harbor” by Colson Whitehead at 2am, just in time to review it for Nine to Noon later this morn­ing. In between I man­aged 650 words for the Capital Times on Gomorrah, The Proposal and A Bunch of Amateurs.

Things should be get­ting easi­er over the next few weeks, but Film Festival is almost upon us and I have a stack of pre­view DVDs to get through. By the week­end I should have got all the out­stand­ing reviews up, and the “now show­ing” to your right will make some sense too. I’m even threat­en­ing to update WordPress to 2.8 and the blog theme too.

Tonight, though, I intend to have some din­ner out of the microwave, put the feet up on the couch and watch at least one stored epis­ode of Top Gear so it feels like a night off.

Long time no see

By meta

Well, we got haxxed by some des­peradoes and then Google (who appear to police these things) decided that we were unsafe to browse to. Which is prob­ably fair enough con­sid­er­ing the state of the haxxing.

Anyway, at the same time I star­ted on this year’s V Energy 48 Hours Furious Filmmaking com­pet­i­tion (I man­age the Wellington event) and what with one thing and anoth­er the site got shoved to one side for a bit. Sorry.

Proper updates will resume next week­end when I’ve recovered from the Wellington Grand Final. In the mean­time you’ve got two more nights to see Sammy J in the Forest of Dreams at Downstage.