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iTunes Sentience (pt 2)

By Hurricanes, iTunes, Music, Wellington

Gary Numan - Complex sleeveApologies for the lack of entries this week. The real world has inter­vened – but in a good way for a change. This sunny after­noon, pre­par­ing to take in my first two Fringe shows of the sea­son, iTunes threw Gary Numan’s live ver­sion of Bombers at me, fol­lowed by New Order – Shellshock.

What a great way to start the weekend!

I’ll try and squeeze the Hurricanes and Cats in between shows and if I can pull that off I’ll be a very happy man.

Out & About

By Hurricanes, Rugby, Sport, Wellington
  • Late this after­noon saw All Black and Hurricanes hook­er Andrew Hore wan­der­ing aim­lessly around the Courtenay Central Whitcoulls, then stand­ing aim­lessly (if that’s pos­sible) at the Molly Malone’s corner. I know they only train for a couple of hours a day but couldn’t they give him a Playstation or something?
  • Dinner at Curry Village on Allen St – review to come;
  • Followed by drinks at the Paramount – gos­sip to come (prob­ably not such a good idea);
  • Ended with my first vis­it to Boogie Wonderland on the Paramount ground floor: a won­der­ful trans­form­a­tion of a huge space. Obviously a bit quiet on a Wednesday but there would have been about 25 people there when I left (after 1.00am). It is a theme club and the theme is very lame but if you get there before mid­night you can get that nightclubby exper­i­ence without the nightclubby crowds. Music is like listen­ing to Classic Hits VERY LOUD and they don’t take requests, no mat­ter how good they are.
  • Too tired to put the rub­bish out. My bad.