As usual, the vagaries of holiday deadlines mean that, just as you are arriving back at work to gleefully greet the New Year, here I am to tell you all…
Sometimes this job can really suck all the enjoyment of the movies right out of you. After an extremely agreeable afternoon watching the new Bond film, Skyfall - and making…
Near the end of 1979, the new hardline rulers of Iran - incensed by the US government’s support for the previous despot - stormed the embassy in Teheran and held…
Taika Waititi’s Boy may well be the saddest comedy I’ve ever seen. Hmn, maybe I should put that another way: For a comedy, Boy might be the saddest film I’ve…
One of the first films I reviewed when I started here was an charming documentary called Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey in which Canadian fans Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen travelled…
You’ll often find me railing against the Hollywood machine in these pages - the lifeless and cynical, the focus-grouped and beta-tested, the bandwagon jumping and the shark jumping - so…