Guest host Liam Maguren sits in for Kailey and tells us about the goings on at and plus he and Dan review David Fincher's Gone Girl, which opens this weekend all…
I made the mistake of watching The Dark Knight Rises twice last week. The first time was entertaining enough, I suppose. The opening set-piece - in which a CIA renditions…
I really enjoyed Alexander Payne’s The Descendants - at least while I was watching it. Some films will do that to you, though. They push all sorts of groovy buttons…
For years I’ve been complaining about films that give audiences everything on a plate - they tell what you should be thinking and feeling, leaving no room for us. This…
So, after trawling through the many thousands of words written about cinema in these pages this year, I suppose you want me to come to some conclusions? Do some “summing…
From the tour de force of A Few Good Men in 1992 (“You can’t handle the truth!”) to the winning Charlie Wilson’s War in 2007, Aaron Sorkin’s sparkling dialogue and…