I can imagine some people not enjoying The World's End. People who don't care about - or even notice - cinematic craftsmanship, people who think that being self-referential means being…
Our 100th episode! Another small screen legend gets the big screen treatment – The Lone Ranger; Steve Coogan plays porn king Paul Raymond in The Look of Love, Simon dissects…
Firstly, I should add a vital - totally Telluride - detail to yesterday's post. By choosing to watch Rust & Bone and the Marion Cotillard Tribute I missed the first…
Michael Winterbottom’s The Trip is the best picture about middle-aged male angst since Sideways, and it’s possibly even better than that fine film. Two privileged English celebrities spend a week…
Michael Winterbottom somehow manages to make a film a year and, while the quality can go up and down a bit, his work is never less than interesting. He’s most…
I am sick of vampires. Sick to death. As a great philosopher once said, "What is point, vampires?" and I have to concur. They're everywhere you seem to turn thses…