Lars von Trier on Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon (via Kottke and Gruber):
I saw the film when it came out. I was in my early twenties. The first time I saw it, I slept.
Nothing wrong with sleeping through a film. I slept through The Matrix at the Embassy once.
By the way, of all the films I haven’t seen Barry Lyndon is the one I want to see first.
My mum will be pleased to hear this. She is a chronic film sleeper, and sometimes needs to see a film two or three times to get the full story.
I feel asleep during an 11pm session of Eyes Wide Shut (ha!). I woke up during the scene with the weird chanting and promptly got freaked right out.
I was drunk when I went to see Eraserhead for the first time. Fell asleep after 10 minutes. Woke up to the sequence where Henry is throwing white worms at the wall. Was extremely perturbed.
It’s kind of embarrassing to admit that, as a serious film reviewer, one has not seen Barry Lyndon but that one has seen Hotel for Dogs.
I have owned it for a while but only watched it over xmas. It is extraordinary and Kubrick is …
WMT would have been delighted.