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Extra bits and links

Apple: America's best retailer in Fortune

By Apple and Asides

Apple: America’s best retail­er in Fortune:

That’s what makes Apple such a hard study: The sub­ject won’t sit still for its por­trait. “I can­’t even remem­ber Apple without the stores,” says Jobs. It’s a state­ment of how integ­ral they’ve become to the com­pany; 8,000 of Apple’s 20,000 employ­ees, he notes, work in retail. But it’s also a remind­er that what we’re glimpsing are his taillights.


By Asides and Cinema

Boneheaded Academy Award Nominations (Scott Weinberg at Cinematical):

“Plus I just don’t like liv­ing in a world that calls Click an Oscar nominee.”

Amis answers Independent readers questions about the world

By Asides

Thanks to someone, prob­ably Public Address, I was poin­ted at this, emin­ently quot­able, art­icle from a recent Independent where Martin Amis answers read­ers ques­tions. One may not agree with anything/everything he says but one has to respect someone who uses words like “fric­tion­lessly” and “gyn­o­crat”:

Whats the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? NESA GARDEZI, by email

One day I returned home from a book tour in the US, and I noticed that the lead­ing edge of the toi­let roll in the bath­room was­n’t fol­ded into an invit­ing V – as it was in all those American hotels.

Not only that. I then had a tedi­ous five minutes issu­ing instruc­tions about the new arrange­ment to my wife.

Tuesday Allsorts #3

By Asides, Cinema, Magazines and Music

Trying to get back to a reg­u­lar post­ing sched­ule. Here goes:

Holy Hell, pos­sibly the fun­ni­est thing in the world: Some deranged geni­us adds James Earl Jones dia­logue from oth­er movies to Star Wars. I shit you not!

The Be Good Tanyas live at The Barbican in London (reviewed in The Grauniad);

A.O. Scott in the NY Times (reg. req.) pon­ders why crit­ics and pub­lic respond so dif­fer­ently, so often (I just watched POTC:DMC and can see both sides “com­plete shit” v “a $9 diver­sion with a few laughs”;

Amazon are in big trub for selling cock-fighting magazines – but that’s not all they sell… (thanks Gawker);

Bob Geldof gets a hard time for can­cel­ling in Italy when 45 people turn up to the 12,000 seat sta­di­um (“Harden up, Sir Bob!”) but let us not for­get that he helped organ­ise a bene­fit con­cert in Auckland when the Neon Picnic was can­celled in 1988 so he’s alright by me – the $1,500 a plate shindig in Auckland the oth­er week is much harder to excuse.

Tuesday Allsorts #2

By Asides, Cats, Cinema, Cricket and Music

Alright then, while I am fid­dling with css here are some links to amuse and alarm you:

There, all of these are weeks late but none the worse for that I should­n’t wonder.