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By Asides, Family, meta

I got back a couple of hours ago from a fam­ily hol­i­day, three gen­er­a­tions of Slevins hav­ing a very relaxed time of things in sunny Hawkes Bay. I man­aged to go almost cold tur­key on the the Internet apart from one breof peri­od where I updated the Academy Cinemas web site for the new week. By Saturday how­ever I found myself try­ing to read the tiny type on the Nokia 6120 web browser. It’s instruct­ive that the two sites I chose to look at were Public Address and Daring Fireball. Perhaps I should purge everything else from my RSS feeds and spend more time in the sun in 2009?

Anyway, apo­lo­gies for not hav­ing the Summer Film Review pos­ted yet – it went to print in the Capital Times last Wednesday – nor have I updated the cap­sule reviews to the right. This is obvi­ously sub-optimal per­form­ance and will be remedied over the next few days.

Tuesday Allsorts #2

By Asides, Cats, Cinema, Cricket, Music

Alright then, while I am fid­dling with css here are some links to amuse and alarm you:

There, all of these are weeks late but none the worse for that I should­n’t wonder.


By Cats, Family
In which the author takes the liberty of re-posting an animal obituary from late 2004 that originally appeared on another site because, well, he can’t trust those bastards at
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