Between its heralded US release in September last year and its arrival in a (very) limited number of New Zealand cinemas this weekend, Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master seems to…
For this writer, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were the defining global event of my lifetime. It was the day when anything became possible - even the utterly unthinkable. It was…
For years now I’ve been fighting a single-handed defence of the later career of Robert De Niro (no defence, of course, being necessary for the early career which featured Mean…
Of all directors currently working in the Hollywood mainstream Michael Mann is arguably the greatest stylist. No one at the multiplex has more control of the pure aesthetics of filmmaking,…
You’ll often find me railing against the Hollywood machine in these pages - the lifeless and cynical, the focus-grouped and beta-tested, the bandwagon jumping and the shark jumping - so…